Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Think Pink

My household occasionally feels like testosterone city. I spend my time stepping on matchbox cars and Spiderman or Batman action figures, and it’s not unusual to see H striding through the living room with Daniel firmly attached to his back - upside down. So the girly side of me gave a little squee of delight when I opened the package from 24/7 Moms with a lovely pink MomAgenda to test-drive.

I have a slight addiction to planners. It usually strikes sometime in the fall as the year is winding to a close, and visions of a better-organized me tiptoe ahead of me sprinkling flowers in my path.

MomAgenda is wonderful! Wide pages leave lots of space for information, and I can block in my week up top, and start a schedule for Daniel in the slots for kids below. (My friend Kim with five kids might have to squeeze a bit... but it’s loads of room for me.) I like the idea of planning dinners for the week, but I am rarely so organized. We’ll have to see if this new available space gives me some inspiration.

The front is chock-full of useful information such as: online resources, toll-free numbers, lists of holidays. The rear follows up with advance calendar planning into the coming year and many, many blank pages for planning/making notes with titles such as: books, movies, music, fashion, restaurants, wines, health, fitness... There are pages for entertaining and party planning, vacation ideas and planning, and just blank pages to scribble on to your heart’s desire. The final address book is removable, thank goodness as I spend far too much time transferring numbers when I get a new one.

I’m enjoying having useful information in one neat, pretty package.

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